Sunday, 28 January 2007

Look What I've Got!

Ok, well you can't see the finished sock - it is drying. But here is all that remains of the hank of yarn.

Sure makes me nervous. What you see is some of the yarn split, and 109cm (43") from the cast off edge. I can see the beauty in doing toe up socks. I was antsy to block so I haven't weaved in the other end, but it isn't long either. I'm off to start the second sock.



NeedleTart said...

Just popped over from Amy's to say hi. "Hi!" Your hubby sounds like a wise man. Mine has to load the dishwasher because he complains that I don't do it "right". Do you know how long it took him to notice??

Amy Lane said...

huzzah!!! a finished sock is always cause for celebration! I saw on Julie's bog that you love TIGANA-- I adore that book in an absolutely freaking huge way--you are probably one of the few people I've met period who has ever read it. Did the ending not blow you away? When she walked into the water and her brother never knew who she was? That the king of Tigana had been Brandin's fool for ten years, and that he stabbed the killing blow? GUY GAVRIEL KAYE ROCKS...I've read almost everything he's ever put out, and it's all made me hold my breath and weep by the end... anyway, just sayin'...

Catie said...

Ya, to all of the above. We ahve two more of his books on the bookshelf that are in my "to read" list. I couldn't believe that the servant (Senzio I think) kept the secret that Valentin was the fool.

Bells said...

that was a close shave with that sock yarn! Well done! I plan to learn toe up socks soon to avoid this problem.