Sunday, 15 February 2009

Book recommendations please

Hi y'all, one of my nieces turns 2 tomorrow and I'm going to visit later in the week. I would love to bring her a book or two... Any recommendations? She has a large productive/receptive vocabulary for her age.

Here is a rare non-blurry photo of Zoie. She sees the camera and comes to you for snuggles... causing most images to be very blury.

And this is a picture of Ellie with her favorite toy - carrot - we play a lot of fetch with this toy. It was hard to take pictures of her sniffing the toy because another favorite game is knock small things off of tables and ledges...


Louiz said...

Without knowing the little girl in question, I would suggest either looking in your local bookshop at the board books, or something by Dr Seuss... or something with an insane amount of flaps and things to pull...

Anonymous said...

Sandra Boynton is great kids author. Anything by her would be good. Or get a classic like "Madeline" or "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble."
Enjoy your trip!